Bringing Design to Science (with Fidel Thomet)
Professor for Interaction Design, Potsdam University for Applied Sciences, Urban Complexity Lab (DE)
Professor for Interaction Design, Potsdam University for Applied Sciences, Urban Complexity Lab (DE)
“Bringing Design to Science” (with Fidel Thomet)
Boris Müller is a Professor for Interaction Design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and co-director of the Urban Complexity Lab, a research space sitting at the intersection of design and science. There, he focuses on design’s ability to make science and its progress understandable. Boris earned his MA from the Royal College of Art London in Computer Related Design, and his award-winning work focuses on generative design, data visualization and science communication. Boris’ prolific and honest writing about the prominence and purpose of interaction design has earned him a reputation as a thought leader in the field.
At Visualizing Knowledge, Boris will expand on the uneasy relationship between design and science. Design, to be more precise, has an uneasy relationship with science. Science on the other hand has almost no relationship with design and tends to happily ignore the excitements and commotions of the design world. Boris will present this work along with Urban Complexity Lab research associate Fidel Thomet. Boris will talk about how design not only helps scientists in communicating their research results, but also how design — especially visualization — has the potential to make contributions to the scientific progress itself.
Learn more about Fidel Thomet here.