Domitille Debret, Design Academy Eindhoven
Investigation into containership pollution in the world of post-truth headline
Designer: Domitille Debret
Institution: Design Academy Eindhoven
City, Country: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Course: Master Information Design
Teachers: Jannetje in ‘t Veld, Toon Koehorst
A great number of websites have used and are still using the analogy between ships and cars when it comes to the topic of maritime industry’s pollution. Headlines such as : “World’s 15 Biggest Ships Create More Pollution Than All The Cars In The World” are popping up across the internet. In this multiplication of articles, published by many websites around the world, it is hard, even barely possible to find the sources and origins of this calculation.
This online platform is made for gathering the articles all together to allow a simplified entrance into the topic. The website offers three different types of visualization/navigation in order to materialize the links inside this mass of articles and the progressive alteration of information.